Tribal Rugs | Largest range of Premium Wool Rugs in Australia

Buy Our handmade Tribal Rugs & add a sense of depth & elegance to any space. Explore our huge range of exclusive Handwoven, Hand Knotted, Wool Rugs.

Immerse your home in timeless elegance with our exquisite hand-woven tribal area rugs. Crafted by skilled artisans, each rug honors centuries-old craftsmanship and cultural heritage. These rugs showcase bold patterns and designs, reflecting the distinct expressions of various tribes. From intricate Persian designs to tribal motifs, each piece tells a story. Our collection spans various colors, sizes, and styles—whether you seek traditional or contemporary pieces. Established in 1988 on the Gold Coast, Australia, Cyrus Rugs brings you quality-made rugs that transform your space into a sanctuary of beauty and history. Explore our range of hand-woven rugs and carpets to elevate your decor

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